7 Wonder City Islamabad //GFS// 7 Wonder City Islamabad Site Visit 25/09/22 | Development Update | Gfs Builders | KOLACHI MARKETING 7 Wonder City Islamabad is a new residential project near New Islamabad Airport that offers all the Seven Wonders of the World in one place. The project provides a modern lifestyle and all basic amenities. Furthermore, the housing project is getting much popularity among the investor community due to its location and elegant infrastructure. The Following Replicas are being built. Eiffel Tower Stonehenge Taj Mahal The Great Wall of China The Pyramid of Giza The Roman Colosseum The Statue of Liberty #jawadali99 #7wondercityislamabad #gfsbuildersanddevelopers #shahidafridi7wondercityembassidor #realestate #property #sell #purchase #plot #zameen #propertynaama #wirsat #skymarketing #BlueWorldCityIslamabadBookingsAvailable #7wonderCityIslamabadBookingsAvailable #virel #100k #realestate #propertyinvestor #trandingshorts #tranding #sitevisit